- Design of a biomonitoring network for data quality assessment in the surroundings of the Centro Olio Val D'Agri (Italy). Year 2020.
Arma dei Carabinieri – Comando Unità Forestali, Ambientali e Agroalimentari (CUFAA)
LIFE Project SMART4Action (LIFE13 ENV/IT000813) “Sustainable Monitoring And Reporting To Inform Forest- and Environmental Awareness and Protection” - Action B.4 “Synthesis of information and participative design of the new system”. Years 2017-2018.
Eupolis Lombardia, Istituto Superiore per la ricerca, la statistica e la formazione
- Technical and scientific advice for an integrated monitoring plan, with particular reference to soil sampling, and with the aim to assess the state of conservation of ecosystems and of abiotic components in the vast area of Malpensa. Years 2015-2017.
Università degli Studi di Sassari
LIFE Project FutureForCoppiceS (LIFE14ENV/IT/000514) “Shaping future forestry for sustainable coppices in Southern Europe: the legacy of past management trials”. Action B.4 - Biological Diversity in Forest Ecosystems”. External assistance for lichen diversity assessment in the project sites. Years 2016.
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali - Corpo Forestale dello Stato
LIFE Project SMART4Action (LIFE13 ENV/IT000813) “Sustainable Monitoring And Reporting To Inform Forest- and Environmental Awareness and Protection” - Action B.4 “Synthesis of information and participative design of the new system”. Years 2015-2016.
ILVA SpA in amministrazione straordinaria
- Design of a biomonitoring network for the assessment of air quality in the surroundings of the steel plant ILVA in Taranto. Year 2013.
Fondazione Edmund Mach - IASMA, Trento
- Evaluation of sources of variability of chlorophyll a fluorescence data in Norway spruce trees. Year 2013.
- Monitoring and biomonitoring of ozone effects in Trento Province. Years 2007-2011.
Consorzio LAMMA, Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
- Integration between the new regional forest inventory and existing networks within the project MONITO. Year 2013.
Università di Siena
- Management plans for natural reserves in Siena Province. Year 2007.
Università di Torino
- Lichen biomonitoring in the surroundings of the termoelectric power plant of Turbigo (MI). Years 2006-2007.