Tuscany Region projects
Winner of the tender ‘I custodi della Montagna Toscana’, with the project entitled: 'Che aria tira? La risposta ai licheni'. Years 2023-2028.
European projects
- LIFE Project MODERn(NEC) (LIFE20 GIE/IT/00009) "New monitoring system to detect the effects of reduced pollutants emissions resulting from NEC Directive adoption". Associated Beneficiary Partner. Responsible for Action B3 "Implementation and testing of existing and newly proposed indicators at the already existing and the newly selected monitoring sites". Years 2021-2025.
- European Project FP7 EU-BON - Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network. Years 2013-2015.
Arma dei Carabinieri – Comando Unità Forestali, Ambientali e Agroalimentari (CUFAA)
- Information system for the analysis and monitoring of biodiversity. Year 2024.
- LIFE Project SMART4Action (LIFE13 ENV/IT000813) “Sustainable Monitoring And Reporting To Inform Forest- and Environmental Awareness and Protection” - Action B.1 “Analysis, evaluation and testing of forest ecosystems biological response”. Years 2017-2018
ENEL Green Power SpA
- Lichen biomonitoring (bioindication and bioaccumulation) in the surroundings of the geothermoelectric power plant of Bagnore 4 (Italy). Year 2018-2024.
- Lichen biomonitoring (bioindication and bioaccumulation) in the surroundings of the geothermoelectric power plant of Monterotondo 2 (Italy). Year 2020.
- Floristic survey and mapping of the vegetation of the ZSC IT5170102 "B12 Geothermal alteration fields of Monterotondo Marittimo and Sasso Pisano". Years 2009 and 2020.
- Lichen biomonitoring (bioindication and bioaccumulation) in the surroundings of the geothermoelectric power plants of Lagoni Rossi and Sasso 2. Year 2019.
- Lichen biomonitoring (bioindication and bioaccumulation) in the surroundings of the geothermal power plants of Nuova Radicondoli and Chiusdino 1 (Tuscany, Italy). Years 2016 and 2019.
Acciaierie d'Italia
Biomonitoring network to assess air quality in the surroundings of the ILVA steelworks in Taranto: Lichen Biodiversity (IBL), lichen bioaccumulation of trace elements, ozone biomonitoring by means of tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum), PCDD/F, PAH and PCB bioaccumulation in Brassica plants and pine needles. Years 2023-2024.
Piazzi srl
Planning of assessment and monitoring activities of the impact on the biodiversity of the Cava Santa Croce (GR). Years 2022-2023.
Università di Camerino - Scuola di Bioscienze e Medicina Veterinaria
- Collaboration agreement for research, technological development, training, and innovation in biodiversity and biomonitoring, and data processing and modeling. Years 2019-2025.
- Service for interventions relating to SIC/ZPS management through the implementation of conservation measures for the portions that fall within the Torricchio Mountain State Nature Reserve. Years 2022-2023.
- Support and collaboration activities for research on plant biodiversity concerning the project ‘NEC Directive Italy’. Sampling Network in accordance with the ICP Forests protocols (including field data collection on epiphytic lichens, and data processing). Years 2019-2021.
Colline Metallifere National Park
Activities connected to the implementation of the "Biota Biancane" project: biodiversity of the ZSC IT5170102 "B12 Geothermal alteration fields of Monterotondo Marittimo and Sasso Pisano". Years 2021- 2023.
- Design of a biomonitoring network for data quality assessment in the surroundings of the Centro Olio Val D'Agri (Italy). Year 2020.
ILVA SpA in amministrazione straordinaria
- Biomonitoring network to assess air quality in the surroundings of the ILVA steelworks in Taranto (2014 survey): Lichen Diversity Index (IBL), lichen bioaccumulation of trace elements, ozone biomonitoring by means of vascular plants (Nicotiana tabacum). Years 2014-2017.
- Design of a biomonitoring network for the assessment of air quality in the surroundings of the steel plant ILVA in Taranto. Year 2013.
- Vegetation surveys: post-operam monitoring of the power line Villanova - Gissi. Year 2017.
- Lichen biomonitoring (bioindication and bioaccumulation) in the surroundings of the electric power plant of S. Barbara (AR). Years 2012 and 2015.
- Elaboration of a map of habitat by means of phytosociological surveys. Year 2014.
- Survey of phytocoenoses, vegetation cutting, and environmental recovery for the construction of a power line. Year 2014.
- Lichen biomonitoring in the surroundings of the town of Civitavecchia. (5 surveys). Years 2008-2014.
- Lichen biomonitoring of air quality in the surroundings of a geothermal power plant located in the municipality of Santa Fiora (GR). Year 2013.
- Quality control procedures of lichen biomonitoring surveys. Years 2007 and 2009.
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali - Corpo Forestale dello Stato
- LIFE Project SMART4Action (LIFE13 ENV/IT000813) “Sustainable Monitoring And Reporting To Inform Forest- and Environmental Awareness and Protection” - Action B.1 “Analysis, evaluation and testing of forest ecosystems biological response”. Years 2015-2016.
Comune di Porcari
- Lichen biomonitoring in the municipality of Porcari (LU). Years 2010 e 2015.
Università di Genova
- Lichen biomonitoring in the surroundings of Vado Ligure (SV). Year 2012.
Università di Siena
- Management plans for natural reserves in Siena Province. Year 2007.
- Monitoring the colonization of plant species in the wetlands of SIC Monte Labbro Alta Valle dell’Albegna within a Life Natura project. Year 2007.
Università di Torino
- Lichen biomonitoring in the surroundings of the termoelectric power plant of Turbigo (MI). Years 2006-2007.